BLOG 05 : The concept of Affordance

By watching the video, I think that Affordance is a way to reflect the relationship between people and objects, and people’s intuitive understanding of objects occupies the main part.

American psychologist James Jerome Gibson first proposed the concept ‘affordance’ in 1977.  It establishes a connection between humans and animals through the method of visual perception. The direct perception of things mainly depends on the possibility of how people use things. In addition, the endurance of the environment provides possibilities for animals or humans, whether it is good or bad.

As Norman said, the operation of things provides intuitive hints for use. When the Affordance is seen and used by the user, the user only needs to see it to know how to use it. In user design, designers can use Affordance to provide more intuitive prompts for user interface design, such as user interface elements, so that these objects are designed for users to quickly understand and operate.

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