FINAL BRIEF RESEARCH 1.Secondary Online Research 2.Primary Research USER MODELING IDEATION RESEARCH ROUGH RESEARCH However, every year, the number of plastic bags consumed worldwide is 500 billion; every minute, 1 million plastic bottles are sold globally; most plastic products are discarded in the natural environment and eventually flow into the ocean. According to United Nations […]

BLOG 04 : Design Challenge

The subject of my research is about the ocean. In recent years, due to the over-exploitation and utilization of resources, environmental pollution etc.the marine ecological environment has been continuously destroyed and the current status of marine protection is not optimistic. So at the beginning, I focused my research on environmental pollution. However, in the process […]

PROJECT 02 : Beasley Street

Brief : ‘This project aims to engage in experimental practice-based research to further your understanding of the book and publications as objects of communication. You will identify how the alternative book format can function as an effective, interactive object of information and storytelling.’ What I get is poems from John Cooper Clarke called ‘Beasley Street‘ […]

BLOG 03 : Remix

Banksy was born in Bristol, England in 1974.He was influenced by the graffiti trend in the mid-1980s and began to create graffiti works. He has never received orthodox training and calls himself a “Terrorist” in art. Most of its works are made of template rubbings, and the themes are mainly anti-war and anti-capitalism; he likes […]

Blog 10:Reflective report for the first semester

‘When affordances are taken advantage of, the user knows what to do just by looking:no picture, label, or instruction needed;(Norman,1998),As Norman said, the operation of things provides intuitive hints for use. When the Affordance is seen and used by the user, the user only needs to see it to know how to use it.Therefore, as […]